Monday, November 17, 2008


As long as I remember, I have been really fond of dogs. But we lived in a really small apartment, so we couldn’t have a dog of our own. I was very happy when I could visit my grandma, because she lived on a farm and had a lot of animals. There was also my mum’s German shepherd Rubina (Rubin), a gift from my father when they started dating.

On the very day I was born, Rubina also had 11 puppies. The love affair happened when Rubina was locked inside the house and a neighbouring dog (a Newfoundland breed) jumped through the closed window. The old saying is true – love conquers all.

Rubina and her puppies

The puppies were adorable – they had father’s black colour but everything else they got from their mother, so they looked like a completely black German shepherd. Every weekend we would go visit my Grandma and I would spend time with the puppy that stayed home – my first dog friend – Runo.
When Runo died at the age of 10, we were all very sad. But soon we brought a new puppy to my grandparents – another mix of a German shepherd called Charm. He was a great dog and he really did charm everybody around.


So I was pretty much surrounded by dogs all my childhood life, but I was still dreaming of having a dog that would be really mine. Ever since I saw the famous movie Lassie, I adored this dog which was a Rough Collie. I even had a big stuffed ‘Lassie’ with which I would sleep every night.

1 comment:

GoldenGirl said...

Krasna predstavitev..kdaj boš updatala tvojo stran :_)